SANDRA CRUZEACTOR | WRITER | PRODUCER “If art can’t save us we’re screwed.Sandra Cruze is an award winning actor, writer and producer.She believes in the power of good story telling.On the stage and on the page, here are some to enjoy.” VIEW WINS AND ACCOLADES ABBY NORMAL** MANY MANY THANKS **ABBY NORMAL - THE MUSICALSTAGE READING WORLD PREMIER WAS A HUGE SUCCESSALL THANKS TO YOU!DONATE NOW to help us keep the momentum going!SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter for all the latest and greatest.GET THE PROGRAM HEREThese stage readings will lead to our ongoing production of this powerful musical. We will take it from the page to the stage and beyond! Thank you for joining us on this journey.STAY TUNED - MORE TO COMEDONATE HERE READ MORE ABOUT ABBY… The Physics of KillingAward Winning Original Work by Sandra Cruze.Writer, Producer, Casting, Funding, Original music, composed and scored by the incomparableRaul Ferrando, and Michael Campagna. LISTEN to the original soundtrack on Soundcloud Watch Now